How did you get to the world of interior design?
Because of my husband. Jaime is an architect-Romano Arquitectos -At about a decade ago I got involved in the project BOX3 INTERIORES our showroom of interior design. We started off with the more technical elements, kitchen and bathroom, for which there was no offer in Ibiza and forced architects and clients to resort to specialized companies in Barcelona and Madrid,sometimes even London.The reception was excellent since we offered locally a level of service equivalent to that of any large European city.
The concept of the showroom has evolved with time and the requirements of our clients towards a concept of interior design workshop. At the moment we are working almost exclusively in comprehensive interior design projects.
What kind of sensations do you try to transmit?
Joy ,warmth and comfort. I really like using colours and above all I like what I suggest to be comfortable ,practical and useful.To make life easier. For me ,the house is an essential place where the most important moments of our lives take place.It must reflect the past experiences and adjust the good times and the difficult times. The decoration transmits very clearly the vital attitude of the inhabitant and in some way its positioning in life.
Tell me 3 projects that the recall or visit produce a great satisfaction on you?
The first one is my house! where I could express myself without objections and without external demands.After five years of living there I still enjoy every room, every angle and especially the priviledge of being able to live in a home with harmony.
The second ,my best friend,Alonso´s house,We had a good time while making it, and the result was fantastic ,eclectic and fun .A contemporary and very personal interpretation on how to live and enjoy the countryside.
The third,is an important project that we finished last year at the Port of San Miguel. The remodelling of the house Sa Ferradura, in which we worked with a generous budget and without impositions by the client.Total freedom! Based on the project of ROMANO ARQUITECTOS we interpret the profile ,the personality and specific needs of the client and set up a very structured line of work .We develop a mood board based on row textures,in shades of grey ,beige and “turtledove! that match with wood ,bronze and brass ,which are the reference materials of the project.A male ,relaxed and elegant style at the same time .We are very happy with the result and the client too!
What is the greatest difficulty an interior designer has to face?
In Ibiza it is the time.When we get to the pre-season period all the industrialists are swamped with the openings of the hotels and it becomes a race to finish the projects.Rush is the biggest enemy of a well done job.
Tell me 3 places in Ibiza you really want to change….the owners might be reading this magazine.
There are many houses I get in and I have to bite my tongue ,get a smile out and make a compliment. But what I would most like to change is the streets ,the sidewalks,the curbs,in general all the urban furniture.Ibiza ,which is a global benchmark in luxury tourism,has totally obsolete urban infrastructures. Nature is wonderful but the outskirts of the city of Ibiza are a total chaos. Deterioration, dirt, accumulation of industrial vehicles abandoned.. it is a shame. It seems that there is no budget to protect and remodel the urban environment.I have just been in Miami ,where everything is designed for the car ,and being a vast city ,there is an excellent care for the environment.
If I have to mention three places in particular I would say: the main street in Jesús,the industrial estates and Ses Feixes.I would clean them ,plant trees and brighten up the facades.
Does this happen in Ibiza? You have carte blanche to decorate my house or my restaurant. I trust in your judgement 100%.
Yes, the exact case that I mentioned for Sa Ferradura. It is the most challenging ,a lot of responsability though,but the most enjoyable thing that can happen to you!
Can you be creative and innovative while respecting the essence of a rustic farmhouse?
“There is no innovation without tradition”. This is the motto of WHATCADESIGNDO congress that we attended last spring.
What do you expect from the materials of your projects?
To be warm, cosy and easy to mantain.
Where is Ibiza heading to on a urban and architecturally level?
I believe that we should stop here. We should not continue building, but on the other hand, I think that there is a lot of work to do in the surroundings of the city. I would like us to focus on the industrial outskirts.They should be re-examined from the root, give them a rational and sustainable use. Remodel them ,make them cosy ,integrate varied uses so that they are not large stranded whales but part of our city .We have to plant trees instead of buying ridiculous sculptures!