Where are you from and where did you study?
I studied in Buenos Aires. Argentina, where I was born and lived until I was 24 years old. I studied the career of Tourism and Business Administration in the University of Buenos Aires.
What made you change your country and choose Ibiza?
I love the cities and I am grateful to have grown in such a lively and intense city with so much cultural variety as Buenos Aires, although from a young age it was clear for me that it was not the place where I wanted to raise my children or grow old !! I have always liked the sea and I have had the hope of living surrounded by it. I am a lover of nature and tranquility and still, despite the busy summers I am grateful for having found this little piece of heaven.
How old is Ibiza Agents?And what do you like to transmit with your business?
Ibiza Agents was born 13 years ago. Back in 2001, after spending my first summer here and once I had decided to stay on the island ,I started in the real estate sector through an acquaintance who had a motorcycle accident and needed help with his small business.This is how I took my first steps, then I ran a real estate agency in Ibiza and afterwardsI had the opportunity to work in a property developer,which allowed me to go into even more detail about the sector,from the search for a plot, submit projects to obtain the licences, choose materials and constructor, get bank financing and finally sell the houses. By that time, as I had the whole afternoon free, I spent a lot of time on vacation rentals which was what I liked most. When I thought of he name “ IBIZA AGENTS” it was because I was very linked to several coworkers and that was what I wanted to convey “join forces to meet the clients needs”. I started slowly, step by step, word of mouth. I believe that the island is very generous and if you do things well you wil soon be reaping what you sowed. It has been only a few years since we had our web page .We have always given a personalized service. We know 95% of the people that rent or purchase a house from us, We forget a relationship of trust, and this is one of our strong points, what we want to transmit. I have always had a commitment to service, I like to rent and feel that the clients are happy and grateful, I want them to be soaked with a little bit of everything that this beautiful island gives us to those who live here.
Why do we need a real estate agent today? What advantages do they offer us?
I have always believed in the saying “ let the cobbler stick to his last”. I think that if you are going to buy or rent a house there is nothing better than leaving it in the hands of a professional. Ibiza dazzles you and more than one person could feel dizzy with so many lights, believing that you can get rich in a single season or you can take advantage of the clients. There is no need to mention the consecutive real estate scams that have been happening lately, I think it is important to be in the hands of experienced professionals with a physical place of work where you can turn to in case of need or a problem.
How is a good professional distinguished?
Renting or selling a house seems to be something easy but behind each sale and rental there is a lot of work, time, dedication and energy invested, IBIZA AGENTS is part of AVAT (Asociación de empresarios de viviendas turísticas de Ibiza y Formentera), which is a non-profit company represented by both entrepreneurs of tourist housing and owners of vacation homes and companies that provide services to these houses. The main objective is to achieve a clear management of the holiday homes and a regulatory framework which coincides better with the tourist and holiday reality In addition, we belong to PYMEEF (Petita y mitjana empresa de Eivissa y Formentera ) to also help promote the economic and social development of our island, The interests of the PYMEEF are, among many others to demand the improvement of public infrastructures on our islands ,the promotion of associations and the business solidarity, etc. Through regular meetings, we expect to consolidate the sector more, to obtain the recognition of the different official departments, etc. To distinguish a good professional you have to appreciate his experience, his reputation, his attitude, his portfolio of products and always look at him in the eyes (this never fails!!).
Are we in an ideal time to buy a house?
I can not say that it is an optimal time to buy a house because I think that it is personal and it depends on the time and the circumstances of each person, but I can say that Ibiza is going through one of its best moments in terms of tourism and growth. If someone asks me where I would most like to live or spend my holidays, I would undoubtedly choose this MAGICAL ISLAND. So I believe Ibiza is an excellent choice when the time comes to buy or rent a holiday home. These two points make it also an ideal place for the investor.
How can we define the current situation of the real estate market in Ibiza?
The market is completely on the rise. I think that it will reach its peak very soon and as every cycle it will come to a halt but there is still time for that to happen.
Could you describe a property that you have fallen in love with and you really want to sell?
I have a new, exclusive property which I love, every corner deserves a photo, every corner makes you sit down and read a good book or enjoy a good glass of wine. I think that it brings together many of the features that foreigners ask when it comes to buying a property. It is located in an exclusive and secure urbanization within a two minute drive to Ibiza, it has some incredible views and approximately a 1000 meters house built with noble materials of excellent quality. I leave some potos for your delight so you can draw your own conclusions.