What do you think of the circumstances of th tor? What positives can you take from all of this?
The financial crisis that began in 2007/2008 forced us to re-evaluate many things and, among others, the way in which we deal with our professional operations. Real estate activity suffered significantly during this crisis and, in consequence, architects were a profession that suffered more than most. On the other hand, the burgeoning of information technology and the abilities and immediacy that it has provided to the planning process have been fundamental.
The positive side of this is that it has forced professionals to re-evaluate our way of working, adopting an economy of means, above all in terms of personnel, afforded to us by the technology and incorporating this type of progress into our work in order to come up with a ate and interesting than any offered before this crisis.
What is the first thing to be analysed when taking on a new project?
The preparation process of an architectural project is, like any creative process, influenced by several variables that demand attention and have an impact on the final result. Of these variables, the most important are the functional solution, the suitability to the environment, the adequacy of the construction, sustainability, the image to be presented, etc. Striking a balance between all of these without any of them stealing the limelight, as it were, is the challenge that we must take on when giving a final answer.

And from your point of view, what are the major values that should be emphasised when planning a hotel building such as Ibiza Gran Hotel? (Functionality, eco- efficiency, sustainability, price, human relationships, etc.)
In our case, the particular characteristics of Ibiza and its message to the guest, a mix of adventure, freedom, nature, etc., had to be provided on an underlying foundation of absolute luxury, in which the guest at the Hotel feels that they are the centre of attention for a system that is working just for them, to allow them to enjoy their stay feeling like a guest of honour. That is helped by functional solutions of the very highest level, an appearance of respect for the immediate environment and, of course, personal attention and hotel service on the part of the staff, which will not depend direc n the planning itself, but which the planning must facilitate as much as possible.

How should a new hotel establishment relate to the environment of Ibiza? And to its guests? What steps need to be analysed?
The image of Ibiza that we mentioned before is crucial in determining the relationship of the Hotel with its surroundings.
This relationship is more constrained when dealing with urban hotels, but in any case, the fact that Ibiza is an island is an ever-present reality, and the relationship with the sea and a it offers must be a fundamental aspect of any offering for guests.
What are the current fields of activity? What does your architecture contribute to other areas? (decoration, design, etc.)
We have always understood architecture as being on a continuum, practically without limits and that collaboration between all the professionals involved in the process is crucial to attaining a better result. In this sense, we have always sought to include other professions involved in the reality of architecture, confident th working as a team is what ensures the best results.

In these difficult times, what should the priority of an architectural studio be? Is internationalisation the future of the sector? Or, on the other hand, is renovation and refurbishment the area that should be given a higher priority?
Regardless of any possible internationalisation that is increasingly normal in a world that is ever more global, our opinion is that hotel infrastructure is calling for renewal, an update to raise the levels of the offering available for tourism, which is so important to the economy of our country. In this sense, an action that is planned and backed by state subsidies, one that aims to carry out that updating is something that seems essential to us. This would also be a great help for employment, both in terms of te al professionals as well as other workers in the sector.

What major elements make your hotel projects clear examples of environmental sustainability?
The incorporation of renewable energy sources (solar energy), as well as energy recovery in the climate control systems of hotel, are both aimed at improving sustainability, although the characteristics of the hotel service place significant constraints on the usage of such measures.
What is your studio working on at the moment?
At the moment, we are working on several deployment and refur ces and urban residential projects.