What does Jordi Carreño think of the circumstances of the sector? What positives can you take from all of this?
I think that we have enjoyed several very good years during which the tourist offering has improved considerably, which is undoubtedly a positive thing for Ibiza… It was necessary. Law 8/2012 has had an enormous impact on investment and has made it possible to renovate and improve many hotels in recent years, although current politicians have, in my opinion, mistakenly cut off all this development again, returning the sector to stagnancy.
In recent years, tourist capacity has dropped considerably, the number of beds has dropped further with each conversion or reform of a hotel as a result of a commitment to higher-quality tourism… This is what everybody wants, which is what makes it difficult to understand the fact that we are again curbing such a positive school of thought.

What is the first thing to be analysed when taking on a new project?
Two things: Firstly the place, the environment… the starting point. Secondly, we analyse all the ideas suggested to us in order to see how we can apply them to the project. We are constantly adding to our stock of ideas,
we do not accept a project where nothing new is added and in which creativity is not a fundamental driver.
And from your point of view, what are the major values that should be emphasised when planning a hotel building such as Xereca or Gatzara (Functionality, eco-efficiency, sustainability, price, human relationships, etc.)
Firstly, offering the client a vital new experience. We have an obligation to re-invent the tourist model with each project in order to offer something new, something which does not exist and which captivates us. To do so, many things are brought together at the same time, but two principles are followed above all: The capacity of the ‘client/operator’ to innovate in terms of the services, and our capability as creatives to provide an environment that is innovative and adapted to a highly differentiated tourist offering.The resulting fusion must form a vital experience that is new and different and as wonderful as possible. Only in this way can we begin to address other issues, such as sustainability or price. We believe that if there is no ‘magic’ or ‘surprise’ in a tourist or leisure space, the rest cannot move forward

How should a new hotel establishment relate to the environment (Ibiza)? And to its guests? What steps need to be analysed?
There is a broad offering in Ibiza and we understand that there is only one way to look at that relationship… and that is by being the BEST. Quality is the only option. We are absolutely convinced that raising the quality is the way to achieving whatever you want.
What are the current fields of activity of Jordi Carreño?What does your architecture contribute to other areas?(decoration, design, etc.)
We work on projects in a holistic manner, we work on the architecture and the interior design… because we understand that it is impossible to reach a high level of quality if we cannot work to the very end of the creative process.

In these difficult times, what should the priority of an architectural studio be?Is internationalisation the future of the sector? Or, on the other hand, is renovation andrefurbishment the area that should be given a higher priority?
I do not feel that we are in a difficult time, quite the opposite, in Ibiza, we have enjoyed a positive period for employment… what happens from now is another question, with the freezing of investment in the tourism sector, freezing of construction on country land and the enormous scarcity and difficulties that exist with regard to the development of urban land, working in Ibiza is becoming impossible for architects and designers. This new situation that we find ourselves in is going to make it necessary to re-invent ourselves and change the way that we have been working until now. In order to continue growing at a
creative level, I am personally committed to internationalisation and I do not believe that the mandatory conditions that the politics are imposing on us provide the necessary outlet for creativity that we require to be competitive. With all the experience gained in Ibiza in recent years, and in light of the wonderful things that we have been able to do, there are many other places in the world that are looking to us to bring all of this experience to bear in other places. It is a shame, because this means that Ibiza will be less competitive from now on, which is going to be felt in all parts of the economy.
What major elements make the hotel projects of Jordi Carreño clear examplesof environmental sustainability?
Personally, I think that environmental sustainability is something that depends on each client, each person. As architects, we can only go as far as the client lets us… but unfortunately not all clients have the same level of awareness and we love having a client who is sensitive to these issues because that gives us the change to take some risks and try new things.
In conclusion, what is your studio working on at the moment?
We are beginning with the expansion of our studio abroad, with several hotel and leisure projects in the Canary Islands and in Mexico… truly a great challenge for us, we are very excited. We are also working on several high-level residential and hotel projects in Ibiza.