Where did you study?
Javier Planas Ramia, architec , studied in Escuela de Arquitectura de Barcelona ,where he finished his studies in the year 1983. Since then, he has been sharing professional office with the architect Jose Torres Torres, with the firm Planas – Torres arquitectos.
What do you like to transmit in your projects?
The projects are always created from the desire to transmit a creativity and sensibility both to the user of the work as to the outside observerer .The best ,for me,are always those buildings that will be able to achieve that sense of serenity that will make them more attractive ,as a good wine.
Which is the greatest challenge of your current projects?
At present, among other works,the biggest challenge is to créatea botanical park ,recreate the different Pitiusa hábitats in a center,which will be of great interest to both in teaching and tourism.
Who are we?where do we come from? Where are we going?
The image of the architect has always been of a creative and innovative person and his works have been the reflection of the societies in which we live.
During moments of concern or social movements the architect sand the avant-garde movements have been able to carry out these projects and therefore get to where we are.
Which materials would you use in you life´s house?
The materials which I feel more comfortable working with are the result of combining tradition and avant-garde: stone, wood, glass… with steel, aluminum, etc.
Legislation more freedom or is it fine?
The legislation and urban development regulations are in many cases a restraint to the creation, difficult to reléase,although itmust also serve as a control to all those excesses that unfortunately the island suffers.
Who did you get inspiration from?
The modern movement ,although it was a revolution caused bythe new times at the beginning of the 20th century and which weall have followed.There was in the Russian constructivism a truecreative machinery such as the architect Melinikov ,who made abig contribution ,a lesson of this cultural revolution ,with an originalarchitecture in his Pabellón de los Soviets in the universalexhibition in Paris in 1925.
Tell me 3 buildings you love and 3 you would like to remove:
There are many architectural works to be admired and it is not right to detract from others. And there are as well, many buildings which are true distorting elements of the harmony and the landscape of the island. These pending interventions to reduce if possible the impact of the worst are an important issue.But we lack the social and political will to address this sensitive topic.
Which town needs urgently a urban planning intervention and why?
I think that it is the island that urgently needs a debate and intervention. A large number of visitors and intense traffic are converging year after year .And we must discuss a proper planning so as not to die of success. Once and for all,to deal with all this necessary and costly infrastructure that leads to poor solutions, for instance, locate the wáter treatment plant in Sa Coma .
Which would be your life´s project?
We all look forward to the project of our lives, or better said, the task of our lives. Express all of ourconcerns without attachments, and this dream is essential in this world of ours.But the work is inthe daily things,and that is our real challenge. Sometimes many prominent works of art have emergedfrom everyday facts or elements