Finally, my turn has come.
Being responsible for this project ,I cannot but thank all of those who made it possible.Today ,this magazine is finally in your hands.
My objective in launching this idea was clear : I believe that the enormous amount of talent there is in Ibiza deserves a space ,a physical environment where it may be embodied and through which it could become known.
Hence,my eagerness to materialise this project ,to make a reality this showcase of innovation ,originality ,talent that takes refuge on this island.
This project is a plea,a tribute to architecture ,as a science and as an art.And I would like to mention one of the most complete and oldest (5000 years old) treasure we have inherited from our ancestors through Vastu Shastra ,source of personal inspiration in several moments of my career an life.
The Vastu Shastra is considered to be a holistic discipline which encompasses not only the distribution of the rooms (the best known trait) but also the type of construction ,the materials that are used ,the shape and arrangement of elements ,the circulations or the ornamentation and decoration .Whithin this practice it is also included the celebration of variuos rites and ceremonies between the constructor and the client ,as part of the process of construction of the building.
According to Hinduism,the Vastu Shastra postulates that the Universe is composed of five elements:earth ,water ,fire ,air and ether and that the design of a building should get a balanced relationship between them.A communion between constructive space and the environment.
For all these reasons ,both in the present and in the future I think that it would be necessary to go back to study Vastu with a lot of responaibility in order to create all kinds of buildings and environments in harmony with nature and ourselves.This is essential on an island like Ibiza and especially in these turbulent times.
I am afraid we are very close to a global collapse as a result of the pollution and misuse of the energies and elements so vital and necessary as the water or the air we breathe.That is why it is important for all professionals involved in the creation and construction of homes ,that the entire industry ,both public and private , become aware of the situation and the need to commit ourselves in the use of renewable energies and eco-friendly materials.
The architecture itself is a very personal and spontaneous discipline .A creative person must do what he likes and what he believes in and not what the others would like to see.His dreams ,at the end of the day ,are the ones which will form a different artwork,what wlll give soul and character .That is why it is vital that we do not inhibit or invalidate that desire to create something ,to innovate.
Among the materials that will provide us with more creative freedom we can find reinforced concrete .We can free ourselves from lots of support assembly with it, that we relied on in the recent past and which conditioned our work.
As for me ,for example,I always try to reduce the number of columns ,which gives audacity and creativity to my designs.
As for materials ,I am a lover of the natural,the stone and wood ,although I accept the huge progress of the ceramics .I still find it hard to employ them in my projects because they do not reflect the necessary union that must exist between construction and environment.
“We do not know how things really are .We just know the way we look at them or how we interpret them.We live in interpretative worlds where we create our truth”
Knowing that every thing that we perceive is a filter based on our gaze and experience ,provides us with the knowledge necessary to feel an absolute humility and a deep respect for the vision of the others.
I express my gratitude to all the great architects who have participated in the birth of this magazine .I believe that each person has its own truth and there is no need to impose ours .There is something to learn from each and every one who is part of our planet.
I am happy to say goodbye by providing you with a few pages of my humble project and with my fondest wishes that this will be the first of many future publications. Again, thank you all ,peace and happiness be with us.