Architecture, in its most functional aspect, provides a place in which to carry out any vital activity essential to mankind but it also has a spiritual dimension that links to the meaning of human institutions.
A building protects you and represents you at the same time. Construction is to architecture as words are to thought, you cannot think without words or conceive architecture without the genesis of construction and an exact selection of materials.
Some architects seek to leave their mark on what they do; a building must reflect the personality of the architect without suffocating the person who lives there. The challenge is to ensure that each project has its own character. I am very interested in anonymous architecture and am never interested in architecture that follows a formula, with a recognisable and repeatable identity, as if it were a franchise. I am much more interested in and in tune with architecture that is presented as unique in each work, that does not follow a predetermined code of style.
We analyze and we describe all the aspects that come together in a design project.
We inspire memorable moments by creating amazing outdoor spaces.
Gabriel Olivera’s recent projects with a description of the materials used.
Design your hotel with us
Hotels architecture & design
In our opinion, a hotel should be integrated into both its physical and social environment.” So many hotels have been built in recent years that there has been almost a social ‘alarm’ created by the consequences with regard to the quality of life and their surroundings. Today, the use of the Internet has made the ‘online marketplace’ for hotels highly transparent. The competition is tremendous. Every hotel in the world can be compared with a single click. Functionality and eco-efficiency are no longer an option, they are a must.

Design your house with us
We are living in a pivotal moment of social change and redefinition of collective needs and priorities. Many of them involve or require major transformations in our homes, buildings and cities, in many cases with outcomes that are innovative in many ways. An example of what architecture is facing is the fight against climate change. Almost a third of electricity consumption, as well as CO2 emissions, comes from buildings. We must modify the housing stock built to achieve a change and improvement in an operation that we believe should be massive and involve all administrations and professionals.
Alongside these modifications, health, comfort, technological improvements, and other requirements must be put in place. There is a need for cities to participate in the circular economy and to help in the task of recycling. These new needs define the current ‘meaning’ or ‘mission’ of architecture. And we must work to direct the architects in this direction, providing them with all the necessary tools to promote cooperation among the various associations. In this way, we will be able to set up a collective project led in each of the autonomous communities by their respective associations of architects and supported by the encouragement and coordination of the corresponding governments, and also with the help of the involvement and the commitment of our members. All of this is oriented towards the wellbeing of people.