What is your background and how long have you been working in Ibiza ?
I studied in the Polytechnic University of Valencia and recently I have graduated as a Building Engineer in the University Illes Ba- lears UIB and since 1980 I have been practising the profession in Ibiza and Formentera ,doing architectural and interior design projects along with a multidisciplinary team.
Architecturally speaking :Ibiza …who are we ?where do we come from? where are we going?
We are a team of professionals in architecture and construction that in a coordinated way we carry out architectural projects of all kinds ,from solutions for interior design ,single -family and multifamily homes and tender for public buildings and equipment in Ibiza, in Latin America and Europe.
¿What is the best thing a client can say after a month living in their new home?
The best thing they can say is that the house is comfortable ,be- cause the volume and the technical conditions of isolation produce comfort.But the real thing is that there is not such a good work of architecture if there is not a good client behind,who mantains a degree of confidence and complicity with you. Three projects that you fondly remember: I remember Menchu and Antonio ́s house at the Club de Tenis, Casa Na Xamena along with Ramon Esteve and Casa de San Agustin of Elisabet Balboa.All of them of a good avant-garde de- sign and which have been published in numerous magazines and books of contemporary architecture and have received various distinctions and mentions.
Imagine I am a wealthy but sensible man with a large family …. what type of house shall I build and where?
I would suggest a country house,near Ibiza ,in a single floor ,with orientation to the southwest,with a central glazed courtyard and two different areas: the evening area with the bedrooms for the entire family ,and the morning area would have two versions: one for the winter and another open to the outside with a swimming pool for the summer.
What area in Ibiza needs urgently a urban intervention?
I believe that San Antonio area and in particular the area of Cala de Bou .It should be restructured to provide it with a greater level of architecture and focus there a leisure zone that will ease the congestion in Playa d ́en Bossa.
Do you already live in your life ́s house or the construction is still pending?
I live in one of the oldest houses on the island.I would venture to say that it is one from the first colonization ,a rustic house with all the comfort of life nowadays ,keeping the respect for the architecture ,but with a touch of personality.
What materials do you like to walk barefoot?
In general the warm and natural materials,stone ,wood and good quality textiles.