What is your background and how long have you been working in Ibiza?
I studied architecture at the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and I did the last academic year at the Universidad de la Sapienza in Rome .The beginnings of my profession were in Barcelona and I went back to Ibiza ,the city where I was born, in May 2007.
What do you want your projects to transmit?
I like them to be beautiful,warm places with a special balance in regard to colours and light.That they transmit serenity and joy.
Which project you are working on is most challenging?
In my Estudio AMOMAARQUITECTURA,we mainly make all the houses for the families.In autumn we began a wonderful house in Santa Gertrudis ,a very thoughtful project for my client ,a made to measure home ,a very personal project.
Architecturally speaking….who are we? where do we come from? where are we going?
We are: in Ibiza we have a wonderful landscape ,the territory is part of the house,a very powerful combination between interior áreas and exterior landscape .
We come from: we have a very austere but beautiful tradition of materials ,the white walls of lime ,the stone ,the wood,the light of the mediterranean.
We are going to: towards an architecture with winds of the past in regard to the natural materials of stone ,wood and taking advantage of new technologies in materials such as aluminum, ceramic, glass…a fusión between the past and the future.
Which is the biggest difficulty an architect has to face?
A lot…the contact with clients,with the Administración ,with the tightly corseted regulations, that have a way to plan the building that does not let us develop in ways of living ,in composition of volumes and space.Right now,the single -family homes in rustic land do not permit creative freedom.It would be interesting to find a mid-point between traditional normative and new creations.
If you built the house of your life ,which materials would you choose?
Natural stone for the pavement ,white plaster in walls,large aluminum windows ,curtains,and I also find the wallpaper interesting, to give warmth and dynamism to the rooms.
Would you like the legislation to allow greater creative freedom or …are we fine as we are?
The thought is always to get better,improve what we have …this can only be achieved by questioning what we have ,destroy it and build something better.Diversity is a good thing.
Where do or did you get your inspiration from?
The classics, Mies Van der Rohe, Le Corbusier…and nowadays I really like Campo Baeza and John Pawson …and also young architects such as Josep Ferrando.
Which town in Ibiza needs urgently a urban intervention and why?
All ,everything is a chaos,there is a lack of wise planning in the urban theme.
What would be your life´s work?
A new urban área,models of buildings that could be very permeable on the ground floor .I really liked 3 towers in London block neobankside;it leaves the urban public space and private space very diluted ,the city falls within the building .It seems to be something very interesting to me .